The Gymnosperm Database


Range of Podocarpus crassigemma (de Laubenfels 1988). Adapted from a map by


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Conservation status 2013

Podocarpus crassigemma

de Laubenfels 1980

Common names

de Laubenfels (1988) gives the following native common names:

Taxonomic notes

Syn: P. archboldii (not N.E. Gray) Gaussen 1976 (de Laubenfels 1988). The variant name P. crassigemmis is also common.


"Tree (3-)8-38 m tall, 10-75 cm diam., bole occasionally fluted. Sometimes pagoda habit. Foliage buds 3-5 mm long, the primary scales up to 8 mm long, on juvenile plants to over 10 mm, strongly curling outward. Juvenile leaves linear-lanceolate, narrowly acute, up to 20 by 1.4 cm. Adult leaves elliptic, 3-11 cm by 4.5-12 mm, acute to narrowly acute, narrowing at the base to a 2-5 mm petiole, revolute, midrib above a sharp ridge 0.2-0.4 mm wide and 0.2 mm high. Buds for pollen cones on a 1-7 mm peduncle, primary scales up to 4.5 mm long. Pollen cones occasionally in pairs. Seed-bearing structure on a 5-14 mm peduncle; receptacle 10-15 mm long. Seed with its covering 11-14 by 9-10 mm... Leaves from lower parts of trees substantially larger than those from higher or more exposed parts of the same tree can at the same time bear fertile material" (de Laubenfels 1988).

Distribution and Ecology

Indonesia: Papua; Papua New Guinea. "Common or subdominant in the canopy of high mountain mossy forest, or emergent, often in Nothofagus and Phyllocladus forest, rarely in secondary forest and occasionally in grassland, (1800-) 2100-3400 m" (de Laubenfels 1988).

Remarkable Specimens





de Laubenfels, D.J. 1980. Blumea 26:141.

See also

Last Modified 2023-02-26